Black Mountain

Elevation: 7,077 ft
Prominence: 2,217

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Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 63 of the book.

Black Mountain, located in the Clearwater National Forest, is the highest point in the Mallard Larkins Pioneer Area, a defacto wilderness. The peak had a fire lookout placed on its summit in 1932 and, as far as I know, it is still in use.The peak can be climbed via a trail from the North Fork Clearwater River. The trail is steep and gains roughly 5,500 feet in 8 miles. Class 1. USGS Mallard Creek

Black Mountain Lookout. United States Forest Service Photo

Black Mountain lookout. USFS Photo

Additional Resources

Mountain Range: Northern Clearwater Mountains

Longitude: -115.55189   Latitude: 46.87879

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