Far Away Mountain (Peak 11930)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 283 of the book. Updated September 2018 Far Away Mountain is one of the most remote Lost River Range peaks. It is the 14th-highest Idaho summit and one of the least-climbed 11ers. Despite its remote location, it is a great climb. I think it is best done by backpacking up … Continue reading


The Boulder Mountains are comprised of four major divides: The Northern Divide, the Sheep Divide, the East Fork Salmon/North Fork Big Lost Divide and the Boulder Front (covered below). The range is composed of granite, Challis Volcanic material and highly metamorphosed rocks that have been extensively shattered and faulted. These mountains encompass a wide variety of mountain shapes over a … Continue reading

Malad Range

The Malad Range is a Great Basin limestone uplift that straddles the Idaho/Utah border. It is tucked into the western slopes of the Bannock Range just east of 1-15. The southern end of the range extends into Utah, where it reaches over 8,000 feet in elevation. Boundaries of the range include Malad Valley on the west, ID-36 thru Weston Canyon … Continue reading