Our Fall motorhome trip took us to familiar locations (Moab, Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park) and to new locations (Great Basin National Park and Death Valley National Park).

On the road south of Jackpot, Nevada.

Pyramid Peak, Great Basin National Park.

There are a lot of good hiking trails in Great Basin National Park.

Scott, Bret, Karin, Laurie and Tom hiking in Arches National Park.

Hidden Arch

Moab Folk Festival

The Pinnacles, Canyonlands National Park.

It is a long way to Druid Arch.

Druid Arch

Death Valley National Park is also well known for its mountains.

The seemingly lifeless desert is actually full of life.

On the salt flat at Bad Water, the lowest point in North America. 262 feet below sea level.

Looking down to Death Valley.

Laurie hiking to Coffin Peak.

On the summit.

The 3 peaks we climbed were all accessed from the Dante’s View Overlook.
Next: There is Life in Death Valley