The Roads and Trails Once Followed

Although Idaho: A Climbing Guide is focused on Idaho’s mountains, the website is a convenient place to post articles that I have written (or been quoted in) about Idaho and adventures that I have had in other locations. I will add to this collection as time permits.

Will Bagley wrote in his book So Rugged and Mountainous “All peoples have a myth, and as Americans we love our legends but often loathe our history. Many of us prefer to view our past more as a heroic parable than as a complicated and contentious record of the human experience.” These stories are my incomplete, complicated history. Hopefully, more a record of my journeys than an heroic parable.

Montana 1971

Vignettes of the Southern Mountains 1972, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina

The Way West 1972, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana

The Middle of Nowhere, 1972, Idaho

Crater Lake 1973, Oregon

Days in Heaven: Sequoia and Kings Canyon 1974, California

New Zealand 1975

Patrolling the Backcountry—Rocky Mountain National Park, 1975 Colorado

A Sierra Fall Backpack, 1975, California

The Talamanca Range of Costa Rica, 1976

Two Sierra Nevada Traverses, 1976, California

Five Days on the Inca Trail, 1977, Peru

Salmon City 1978, Idaho

The Problem with Baker Lake, 1979, Idaho

My Life as a Crew Leader, Idaho Falls, 1979-1981

Dry Creek Memories, Idaho, 1979 to the Present

The Crop Duster Incident, Idaho Falls, 1980

Circling Squaretop Mountain, 1981, Wyoming

A Yellowstone Winter, January 1982

New Fork Lakes / Palmer Lake Loop, Wyoming 1982

Completing the Wyoming Trifecta, 1982

Scrambles in the Lemhi Range, Idaho 1982

Big Peaks and Bad Rock, Idaho 1982

Footloose in the Central Wind River Mountains, 1983, Wyoming

Tales of Two Mountains, Opinion, 1983

The City of Rock —Politics, Climbing, History and Need, 1983, Idaho

The Bighorn Crags, 1984, Idaho

Idaho’s Albion Range, 1984

Fire and Brimstone: The Seven Devils Mountains 1984, Idaho

UI Denali Expedition, 1985, Alaska

In Grizzly Country, 1985, Idaho

Glacier Peak: The Long and Winding Route, 1985, Washington

Mexican Volcanoes, 1985-1986

Lua Pele —Hawaii’s Volcanoes, 1986

Mount Adams, 1986, Washington

The White Cloud Peaks, 1986, Idaho

Mountaineering In Idaho, 1986

UI Denali Expedition, 1987, Alaska

Winter in the Summer in the Wind River Mountains, 1987, Wyoming

A Month Climbing in Bolivia and Peru, 1988

The First Ascent of Cabin Creek Peak, 1988, Idaho

Skiing the Rim Road Around Crater Lake, 1990, Oregon

1 for 2: Jefferson and Saint Helens, 1990, Oregon and Washington

A Sawtooth Traverse 1990, Idaho

A California 14er Extravaganza: Mount Langley, Mount Muir, Mount Whitney and Mount Russell, 1991, California

Jefferies Glacier Expedition, 1992, Alaska

Kings Peak from the East, 1993, Utah

A Walk Around North Palisade, 1993, California

Grand Gulch Backpack, 1994, Utah

Middle Fork Backpack, 1995, Idaho

The First Ascent of the North Face of USGS Peak.1995, Idaho

Peakbagging in Glacier National Park, 1995, Montana

The Ruby Crest Trail, 1996, Nevada

Circling the Shivering Mountains, 1996, Alaska

Wind Rivers, 1997, Wyoming

High Times in Colorado (1997-2010): Chasing the 14ers

A Brief Visit to the Canadian Rockies, 2001

Mulhacén, 2002, Spain

The First Ascent of Triple Peak, 2003, Idaho

Sierra Nevada Day Hiking, 2006, California

Eagle Cap, 2007, Oregon

High Sierra Camps Loop, 2007, California, Yosemite

Sierra Nevada Backpack–New Army Pass to Shepherd Pass, 2008, California

Say It Ain’t So: 2009 Denali Expedition, 2009, Alaska

Line of No Return: Evolution Basin, 2009, California

The First Ascent of JT Peak, 2011, Idaho

High Thunderstorms Anxiety in the Sierra Nevada, 2012

Two for Texas: Spring 2014 Trip

Fall Trip 2014, Nevada, Utah and California

There is Life in Death Valley, 2015, California

Monte Solaro, 2015, Italy

Diamond Ridge Traverse, 2015, Idaho

Fall Trip 2015: Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Arizona

Please Sir … Some More, 2016, California and Nevada

A Nevada November Sojourn, 2016

Spring 2017: Sonic Booms and Peakbagging in the Mountain Kingdom,  Nevada

Day Tripping in the Oregon Owyhee Mountains 2017 – 2020

A Cold November Peakbagging in Nevada and Utah, 2017

Nevada: A Very Early Spring Trip, 2018

Nevada Again: Another Box of Chocolates, March 2018

Another November Nevada Adventure, 2018

Kaala—The Top of Oahu, 2019, Hawaii

To the Land of Enchantment and Back, 2019 New Mexico, Colorado

Spring Training, 2020, Nevada

Bell Mountain—a Forty Year Journey 1980 – 2020

The Toughest 11er, 2020

5 Kids on Wild Trails by Margaret Fuller: An Appreciation 2021

Island in the Sky, 2021, Idaho

The High Point of the Wallowas, Oregon 2021

The Grand Slam Peaks, Idaho 2021

Cirque of the Bovines, 2022 Nevada

Morning Walks Up Table Rock, Idaho 2023

Cottonwood Lakes, 2023, Cottonwood Lakes Backpack, California 2023

Nevada’s Granite Range, 2014 – 2023,

Favorite Climbs Part One, Idaho

Favorite Climbs Part Two, Idaho

Travels with John, Idaho