Submit a Book Update This form is for climbers to submit their own peak updates that will show in our Book Updates. Your Name* First Last Your Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Peak Name Update / New Route NarrativeDo you believe this is First Ascent information? Yes No Mountain Range-- select a Mountain Range --Albion RangeBannock RangeBear Lake PlateauBear River RangeBeaverhead RangeBennett Mountain HillsBig Hole and Snake River MountainsBitterroot MountainsBlack Pine MountainsBlackfoot MountainsBoise MountainsBoulder MountainsCabinet MountainsCaribou RangeCentennial RangeCentral Clearwater PeaksCentral Salmon River MountainsClearwater MountainsCoeur d'Alene MountainsCotterel MountainsCraig MountainsCuddy and Hitt MountainsDeep Creek MountainsDonkey HillsEastern Salmon River MountainsGannett HillsGospel Hump WildernessHenrys Lake RangeJim Sage MountainsLemhi RangeLost River RangeNorth Hansel MountainsNorthern Clearwater MountainsOwyhee MountainsPeale MountainsPioneer MountainsPleasantview HillsPocatello RangePortneuf RangePurcell MountainsRed HillsSaint Joe MountainsSalmon River MountainsSawtooth RangeSelkirk MountainsSeven Devil MountainsSilver City RangeSmoky MountainsSnake River PlainSoldier MountainsSouth HillsSouthern Clearwater PeaksSublett RangeWest MountainsWestern Salmon River MountainsWhite Cloud MountainsWhite Knob MountainsElevationEnter numbers only, no commas or any other text or characters.LatitudeEnter numeric information only (numbers, periods and minus signs).LongitudeEnter numeric information only (numbers, periods and minus signs).Featured PhotoYou may choose to upload an image (jpg or jpeg) as a Featured photo. Select the photo by browsing your computer (image name will not show after selection but WILL be updated) and enter a photo title.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.FileTitleAdditional ImagesYou may enter up to 5 additional photos. Please wait until all the photos show uploaded before you click the Submit Update button. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 5. CaptchaEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.