A new post from the stats guy so you know what that means. 11er list updates!
We’ve got a new highest 11er and a new lowest 11er!
“No Regret Peak” is Idaho’s 10th highest: 11,996 feet with 314 feet of prominence (possibly more; there’s a small section of the saddle where LiDAR isn’t available yet.)
The maps show “No Regret Peak” at 11,972 feet with 272 feet of prominence. Because of the low prominence, it never had a spot in the rankings or on the 11ers list. It still has received some attention (and a nickname) due to the fact that it’s a notable bump on the main crest and right in between two 12ers.
Technically, USGS Peak could reclaim the #10 spot—but it’s unlikely to see a jump of 14+ feet. I say that because it was used as a survey station, so McCaleb Benchmark would have been measured carefully and thoroughly. I believe they take multiple measurements from different locations when establishing a benchmark. If you know more than me about the USGS surveying process, please chime in.
“Italian Peak East” is 11,004 feet. Notice that specificity. Italian Peak, the officially-named west summit, is one foot lower. So if you went out there and only climbed the Class 2 summit and skipped visiting its Class 4 neighbor, this is probably upsetting news. There might be an easier route up the east summit on the east side (see photo), but it seems like everyone who has been up “Italian Peak East” climbs the west summit first then takes a Class 4 line up the southwest side of the summit block. The two summits are listed separately on Tom’s site (and in the guidebook) and on the Lists of John.
I also have to announce our first casualties of 11ers with less than 300 feet of prominence:
“North Cabin Mountain”: 11,164’; 293 feet of prominence and Lime Mountain: 11,180’; 295 feet of prominence

The summit cairn and narrow ridge crest atop North Cabin Mountain, looking north. Livingston Douglas Photo
Personally, I find that easy to swallow because it doesn’t take anything away from the 11er-chasing experience. Those peaks were almost always climbed in combination with their neighbors. I’ve been able to analyze pretty much all the borderline 11ers so it doesn’t look like anyone else will get cut. Here’s a summary:
Low prominence peaks marked safe: Little Regret, Limestone, North Ryan, South Glassford, Mahogany Trident
Peaks still at moderate risk: Boulder Lake Peak, The Box, Peak 11909 (actually Peak 11917)
Low elevation peaks marked safe: The Brow, Flatiron, Hope, Cottonwood
Still at low risk: Howard, Atlas, Jacqueline