Elevation: 6,031 ft
Prominence: 371

This peak is not in the book. Published February 2020
Little Guard Peak is the southernmost ranked peak in the Shoshone Range. A fire lookout has stood on the summit since 1919. The lookout is now available as a rental through recreation.gov. The Forest Service recounts the history of the lookout as follows:
Little Guard Lookout, located about 9 miles north of Shoshone Camp, was one of the last remaining fire lookouts used in the Coeur d’Alene River area and has only just recently become inactive. The structure standing today on Little Guard Peak is the third in a series of lookout buildings that originated back to 1919. In October 1990, Little Guard Lookout was accepted for listing in the National Historic Lookout Register and the first for Idaho. USGS Pond Peak
Access and Route, Class 1
Coeur D’Alene River Road [(2)(a) on Page 56]. The Coeur D’Alene River Road leaves I-90 at Exit 43 (7.0 miles west of Kellogg, Idaho). Follow the wandering river road northeast and then northwest to Pritchard, Idaho in 22.0 miles. The road is then designated FSR-208. Continue on FSR-208 from 6.9 miles to the Little Guard Peak Road/FSR-602. This junction is located at the south end of the Shoshone Range.
Little Guard Peak Road, FSR-602. This road leads to the fire lookout on Little Guard Peak in 11.0 miles. The road is reportedly regularly maintained but the last couple of miles require a high-clearance vehicle.
Additional Resources
Regions: Bitterroot Mountains->NORTHERN IDAHO->Shoshone Range
Mountain Range: Bitterroot Mountains
Longitude: -116.00589 Latitude: 47.79809