Elevation: 11,161 ft
Prominence: 341

This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak and Carl Hamke provided the following route information. See their article on the Missing Eleveners in the Climbing History Section of this site.
Down East Peak is located 1.5 miles south of Peak 11312. From the North Fork Big Wood River [(A)(9)(a) on Page 241], follow the trail up the drainage until it ends below a waterfall. Bypass the waterfall on its South Side and follow the slopes above to gain the South Ridge at approximately 10,800 feet. There are several possible Class 2-3 routes up the slopes. Follow the crest of the ridge to the summit, bypassing the final tower via a hidden ledge on its East Side. Class 3. USGS Easley Hot Springs

The summit block of Down East Peak. George Reinier Photo
Additional Resources
Regions: Boulder Mountains->EASTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Boulder Mountains
Longitude: -114.518972 Latitude: 43.874513