Elevation: 4,300 ft
Prominence: 318

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023
Peak 4300 is a forested peak that sits at the head of the Carrill Creek, No Creek, and South Fork Beauty Creek drainages in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains. The actual high point is 15 feet higher than the official/LOJ northwest summit. USGS Mount Coeur d’Alene
From the south side of Exit 28 on I-90, drive west then south on [signed] FSR-614 for 10.6 miles to an unsigned 3-way road junction. Go straight onto the middle road (FSR-439) and drive 1.7 miles to a large pullout area and a hidden, unsigned junction with an MC/foot trail (not shown on the National Forest Map but shown incorrectly as FSR-808 on the USGS topo map) that heads southwest along a ridgeline to Carrill Peak. Park here (3,982 feet; 47⁰33’01”N, 116⁰38’54”W).
Southeast Ridge, Class 2
The Climb
From the parking pullout, hike west briefly up a steep ATV trail (not shown on maps). After the ATV trail ends, follow a good use trail west then northwest up the steep, brushy ridge crest. After the use trail dies out, bushwhack a short distance to the brushy, forested high point of the southeast summit. It turns out that this is the high point of Peak 4300.
From the southeast summit, bushwhack northwest through thick brush, trees, and bushes to a saddle then bash your way west-northwest up initially semi-open forest (and easy brush) to much thicker and taller (almost impenetrable) veg and bushes higher up to reach the high point of the northwest summit. The northwest summit is 15 feet lower than the southeast summit based on my altimeter readings. The dense foliage was soaking wet from a T-storm just before I began the climb so it was a brutal, wet, slippery endeavor.
Additional Resources
Regions: NORTHERN IDAHO->Saint Joe Mountains
Mountain Range: Saint Joe Mountains
Longitude: -116.6599 Latitude: 47.5542