Elevation: 5,980 ft
Prominence: 280

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2018
Peak 5980 is located west of Goose Lake and south of Bally Mountain. It is a forested summit that can be accessed from FS-294. USGS Brundage Mountain
FS-294 is accessed from New Meadows, Idaho. Take US-95 north from New Meadows a short distance. Turn right onto Circle C Lane. Follow it east until it ends at a “T” junction. At this junction, turn left onto Campbell Road and follow it north then northeast to its junction with FS-294. Turn left onto FS-294 and follow it to the peak.
East Slopes, Class 2
You can undoubtedly find many ways to climb this peak. John Platt’s route is shown on the map below and his trip report is linked below.
Additional Resources
Regions: Northwest Corner Peaks->Salmon River Mountains->WESTERN IDAHO->Western Salmon River Mountains
Mountain Range: Western Salmon River Mountains
Longitude: -116.24759 Latitude: 45.07019