Elevation: 7,812 ft
Prominence: 352

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023
Peak 7812 is a seldom-climbed mountain that sits southwest of Racetrack Meadow deep in the Eastern Salmon River Mountains. It is in a burn area so take appropriate precautions. Peak 7812 is on a ridge that separates Daly Creek from Moose Creek. It is most easily climbed from Forest Service Roads that lead to Racetrack Meadow. USGS Napoleon Hill
Same as for Jackass Ridge. This is the second leg of a 2-peak adventure that includes Jackass Ridge and Peak 7812. It covers 6.0 miles with 1,350 feet of elevation gain round trip.
Northeast Ridge, Class 2
The Climb
From the minor crossing of the East Fork of Daly Creek (a small stream) just west of Racetrack Meadow, hike briefly on the remnants of FSR-722 as it heads right/southwest and quickly ends. Bushwhack west across a flat area of marshes. This area also has fingers of talus/boulders mixed in with grass/scrub and some pine trees. Jump across [larger] Daly Creek to reach the base of a charred pine forest. Scramble west up into the burn area to reach the crest of the northeast ridge.
Follow the reasonably well-defined ridge southwest up to Point 7353, a rocky outcrop. Continue southwest then south to Point 7623, another rocky outcrop. This bushwhack is through a burn area but is relatively easy—no brush, soft soil, snags with no branches, and not too much deadfall. From Point 7623, continue west then northwest to the charred boulders that are the obvious high point of Peak 7812. The summit has no summit cairn. It offers no views due to standing snags and a thick forest.
Additional Resources
Mountain Range: Eastern Salmon River Mountains
Longitude: -114.0497 Latitude: 45.2789