Elevation: 9,474 ft
Prominence: 374

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022
Peak 9474 sits on a high ridgeline that overlooks the Baker Creek drainage. It is at the head of Alden Gulch. It is most easily climbed from the nearby Osberg Ridge Trail/FST-147. But there is no nearby trailhead, so an off-trail scramble is required for any feasible day hike of Peak 9474. USGS Boyle Mountain
Same as for Peak 9660. This is the second leg of a 2-peak adventure that includes Peak 9660 and Peak 9474.
West Ridge, Class 2
The Climb
From the 9,100-foot connecting saddle at the base of the west ridge, leave FST-147 and scramble northeast up the semi-forested ridge to Point 9344. From Point 9344, descend 50 feet to a forested saddle (there is much more pine forest on this ridge than the USGS map indicates). From the saddle, continue east up through more scrub and pines to reach a rocky, open high point (which measures at equal height to the true summit to its east). From this high point (the west summit), drop slightly and go through a patch of forest to quickly reach the cairned, official high point of Peak 9474 (the east summit) in semi-open forest.

The summit cairn atop Peak 9474 with Peak 9660 in the distance (dead center). Livingston Douglas Photo
South Face, Class 2
The Descent
From the east summit, return to the rocky west summit. From there, descend southwest down the scrub-and-gravel, steepish face to intercept FST-147. Follow the trail west for ¾ mile to a gentle scrub hump (Point 9215), which is to the right/north of the trail.
Descent to Baker Creek Road, Class 2
Leave the trail and scramble up easy scrub to Point 9215, a gentle hump. Follow the relatively easy ridge north along the east side of Badger Gulch. The ridge is a combination of veg and burnt forest. It weaves a bit and has several ups and downs, which can be a bit tedious and frustrating. The ridge humps are all rocky affairs. After the final ridge hump (Point 8506), descend to a flattish ridge area and a ridge junction at about 8,250 feet.
Go hard left/west here and follow a forested shoulder down toward Badger Gulch. This shoulder becomes rockier and steeper as you descend. Angle right-ish/north and finish the descent in a flat, forested area (lots of blowdown to go around) and aim to reach the [visible] Baker Creek Road just east of the small creek in Badger Gulch. Once on Baker Creek Road, walk ½ mile southwest then west to return to the campsite where today’s climb began.
Additional Resources
Regions: Smoky Mountains->WESTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Smoky Mountains
Longitude: -114.55829 Latitude: 43.70979