Elevation: 8,369 ft
Prominence: 1,269

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 70 of the book. This page replaces the book entry. Updated July 2022
Pyramid Peak is one of five craggy peaks sometimes referred to as the Gospel Crags. These peaks comprise one of three high escarpments in the Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area. The other two are the North Pole/Buffalo Hump ridge system and the Oregon Butte group of peaks. Pyramid Peak is the highest Gospel Crags peak. All five Gospel Crags peaks are located within the massive wilderness but are easily accessed by a road FSR-444 which penetrates into the middle of the wilderness from the west. USGS Sawyer Ridge
Primary Access is from US-95 at either Riggins, White Bird or Grangeville, Idaho. Secondary access is via FSR-221. FSR-221 is a major, well maintained road which runs between the main Salmon River east of Riggins, Idaho and Grangeville, Idaho. The road’s southern end is accessed from the Salmon River Road east of Riggins, Idaho at the point where Allison Creek flows in to the Salmon River. The southern end is a well built and signed gravel road which is wide and suitable for passenger vehicles in the summer. To reach FSR-221’s northern end from US-95 turn east into Grangeville, ID and continue a long mile on Main Street (ID-13) to the east edge of town. The town ends abruptly at the old Forest Service office on the northeast corner of the intersection of ID-13 and the Mount Idaho Grade Road. From this intersection, travel south (right from downtown) on the Mount Idaho Grade Road. After 0.7 miles, keep to the right (straight) where the main road curves left at the drive-in theater. The road now becomes the Grangeville-Salmon Road. After about 2 miles, the road begins to climb the mountains south of town after crossing the National Forest Boundary. This road becomes FSR-221 at Fish Creek Campground. Continue on the paved road to the well-marked FSR-444. This turn is just before Mile Marker 30 and is approximately 31.0 miles south of Grangeville.
Turn east on to FSR-444. This gravel road is well designed and wide. It is steep and not recommended for trailers. At roughly 8.0 miles FSR-444 reaches the Upper Gospel Lake viewpoint pull-out. The road ends at the Square Mountain lookout after 12.0 miles. FSR-444 crosses the slopes of Gospel Hill and Gospel Peak.
Southwest Ridge, Class 2+
Pyramid Peak sits northeast of the Upper Gospel Lake Viewpoint. The peak can be accessed from the viewpoint or via a traverse from Gospel Peak. The peak’s southwest ridge is an easy Class 2 ascent from the saddle at its base. However, the crux is the hump-shaped ridgeline between the viewpoint and the saddle. While the route to high point of the hump is straight forward as it crosses wide, gentle slopes through fairly open forest the descent from the high point to the saddle is a bit more complicated. The ridge descending into the saddle narrows and becomes a rocky fin which is congested with granite fins, small trees, snags and downed timber. Traverse the first part of this section of ridge on its west side and then at roughly the 8,040 foot contour switch over to the east side of the ridge. If you get into Class 3 terrain you are off route. Once the saddle is reached the southwest ridge is easily climbed. See the map below.

My route up Gospel Peak and Pyramid Peak. This route totaled 2.8 miles. The climb from FS-444 to Gospel Peak was just over 0.6 miles and just over 300 of elevation gain.
Additional Resources
Mountain Range: Southern Clearwater Peaks
Year Climbed: 2022
Longitude: -115.93269 Latitude: 45.63319